Colegio Áleph - Blog

Áleph English Program: Exciting Changes in 2024

Escrito por Áleph | Jul 2, 2024 10:19:06 PM

At Áleph School, known for its innovative and student-focused approach, we have made significant updates to the Áleph English Program this year.

With Damien Lynch as the Head of English, the English program has undergone substantial transformations, raising the bar for language instruction. These changes focus on personalized and enriching teaching methods, moving away from traditional approaches.

We have introduced core subjects like Literature and Social Studies in English, offering a more integrated learning experience. This shift helps students immerse themselves in English across different subjects, enhancing their overall proficiency.

Starting in March, we grouped students based on their proficiency levels, aligning with the Cambridge exams. This new structure tailors bilingual education to the unique needs of each group, creating a more effective and individualized learning environment.

We also changed the preparation timeline for the Cambridge exams. Instead of starting in August, we now begin in March. This adjustment involves a two-hour weekly commitment to exam preparation, seamlessly integrating English into the students' daily academic routine.

Focus on the Dual Diploma (CHS)

One of our significant initiatives is our partnership with Citizens High School, offering students the opportunity to obtain a dual diploma and experience an American educational environment. This program aims to enhance students' outcomes by ensuring they have the necessary English proficiency for effective communication beyond their familiar surroundings. Damien highlights the benefits, saying, "Studying in the US provides access to world-class education, diverse cultural experiences, and a vibrant international community, fostering personal and academic growth."

Key updates to the Áleph English Program include customized student grouping, the introduction of the Dual Diploma starting from the third year of secondary school, and a crucial change where Cambridge exams now begin in the third year of primary school, instead of fourth. Our new strategy involves students taking one Cambridge exam annually.

To keep students continuously engaged with English, we've renewed our emphasis on literature. Students are encouraged to read an English book for leisure reading during the summer holidays as well as during the school year, maintaining their connection with the language.

These exciting updates to the English program at Áleph School aim to not only improve linguistic proficiency but also prepare our students for an increasingly globalized world. Through these strategic enhancements, Áleph School reaffirms its commitment to providing quality education and equipping students for the future's challenges and opportunities.